To all shareholders and investors

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all our shareholders for their continued support.
Regarding the fiscal year ending March 2024, which is the first year of the BSR expansion period until the fiscal year ending March 3, we built on the existing flow and stock business that we grew during the BSR development period, and expanded by introducing applications and services (apps/services) such as communication work support, transcription work support, and work efficiency support for medical professionals using AI voice recognition AmiVoice, as well as the AmiVoice Engine platform used by partners to the market.
In this environment, sales of our various products and the use of our services have grown as we have met the needs of companies and hospitals to promote digital transformation in line with operational efficiency improvements. In addition, we have further increased our sales ratio from stock business, which we worked on during the BSR rollout period, leading to increased revenue and profits, and we have achieved record highs in sales, operating profit, and ordinary profit.
In the future, we would like to aggregate the AmiVoice Engine, which we have pioneered in Japan and developed in the market, and the AmiVoice apps and services that use it, and turn them into a purpose-specific platform to meet the needs of society. First of all, voice AI※ 1We will introduce apps/services to the market. Furthermore, we will become an AmiVoice AI partner.※ 2By using AI in our work, we can improve work efficiency by shortening work hours, and by adding comfort through the presence of a partner, we will promote the penetration of the "new normal at work" into society, where using voice at work is the norm. And we will create AISH, where people and AI coexist and enhance each other's excellent capabilities.※ 3We will bring in the era of
We will continue to work together as a group to improve our corporate value by increasing business value, and we ask for the continued support and encouragement of our shareholders.
*1 Voice AI refers to the virtual agent AI avatar AOI (AmiVoice Ontology Integrated) and the automatic AI response service ISR (Interactive Speech Responder) Studio in the call center field.
*2 AmiVoice AI Partner refers to the Speech Board® that helps with smartphone flick input by voice, the Voice Keyboard® that helps with PC keyboard operation, the Voice Mouse® that helps with PC mouse operation, etc. Users can create their own voice commands and use them at the right time and in the right place to activate the functions.
*3 AISH (AI Super Humanization) refers to the coexistence of humans and AI by combining the excellent points of each other, such as AI helping humans and humans using AI to enhance their capabilities, and human wisdom that surpasses AI.